Alibaba Cloud Starter Package Version 2.0 Will No Longer Be Available from June 30, 2020

今天清理邮箱未读邮件的时候看到一封阿里巴巴国际版发来的邮件,提示说阿里云新手套餐 2.0 版从 2020 年 6 月 30 日开始就会下线了。阿里云毕竟还是号称套路云的,确实是套路满满,说不让续费就不让续费了。之后如果还想使用这台 VPS,要么就是按照原价续费(非常贵),要么就是转而购买阿里云国际版轻量应用服务器(线路差)。总之就是没有一个好的解决方法,这不是赶人走么。

下面为大家翻译一下邮件原文,不做解读。阿里云国际版轻量应用服务器的测评可以参考《阿里云国际版轻量应用服务器香港机房测评:速度、延迟、丢包率、路由》。目前如果还是想使用阿里云,建议大家选择阿里云云小站优惠活动,新老用户皆有活动,参考《阿里云云小站:云服务器低至 89 元/年,香港 CN2 VPS 仅 119 元/年,可领取 2000 元代金券》。




入门包2.0版将从2020年6月30日起脱机。所有现有的续订折扣将不再受条款和条件所述。当您使用Starter Package版本2.0中的ECS实例时,请密切注意此通知。 (如果您不再具有Starter Package版本2.0中的实例,请忽略此通知。)


2020年6月30日上午10:00(UTC + 8)。



选项1:通过手动选择“不续订”暂时停止续订现有实例。 2020年6月30日之后,您可以在下次续订时更新首选设置(例如1Mbps固定带宽)。

选项2:停止当前实例并用Simple Application Server(SAS)替换它们。 SAS为价格合理的服务器提供数据传输计划,最低每月3.40美元。每个用户最多可以购买20个实例。有关详细信息,请参见此处。





1.续订Starter Package版本2.0 ECS实例时是否有折扣?


2.续订Starter Package版本2.0 ECS实例时,能否获得数据传输计划?

不可以,一旦脱机,您将无法获得现有Starter Package版本2.0实例的任何其他数据传输计划。



4.如果我的Starter Package版本2.0 ECS实例自动更新怎么办?



没有任何限制。您的Starter Package版本2.0实例将变为常规的ECS实例,可以将其配置为首选的带宽设置,并可以根据您的要求进行升级或降级。




Dear Customer:

Starter Package Version 2.0 will be taken offline starting from June 30, 2020. All existing renewal discounts will no longer be applicable as stated in the Terms and Conditions. Please pay close attention to this notice as you are using ECS instance(s) from Starter Package Version 2.0. (If you no longer have instances from Starter Package Version 2.0, please ignore this notice.)

When Will Starter Package Version 2.0 Be Taken Offline?

10:00 AM on June 30, 2020 (UTC+8).

What Should I Do If I Want to Continue Using Alibaba Cloud?

Here are three recommended solutions that you can choose from according to your actual situation and needs.

Option 1: Temporarily stop renewing existing instances by selecting Nonrenewal manually. After June 30, 2020, you can update your preferred settings (e.g. 1Mbps fixed bandwidth) on your next renewal.

Option 2: Stop your current instances and replace them with Simple Application Server (SAS). SAS offers affordable servers with data transfers plans, starting from $3.40/month. Each user can purchase up to 20 instances. For details, please see here.

Option 3: Keep using your current instances and settings at standard list price after renewal (excluding Data Transfers Plan). See here for pricing.

How Can I Find My Starter Package 2.0 Instance(s)

All of your Starter Package instance IDs will be listed here under “Manual / Auto / Nonrenewal” tabs.

What Will Happen to My Current Instance(s) from June 30, 2020?

1. Will there be any discounts when I renew my Starter Package Version 2.0 ECS instance?

    You will no longer receive any renewal discounts once it is taken offline.

2. Can I get a Data Transfer Plan when I renew my Starter Package Version 2.0 ECS instance?

    No, you cannot get any additional Data Transfer Plan for existing Starter Package Version 2.0 instances once it is taken offline.

3. What happens if I renew the ECS instance after Version 2.0 is taken offline?

    You will be charged based on the standard list price of your configured ECS instance as listed here (excluding Data Transfer Plan).

4. What if my Starter Package Version 2.0 ECS instance(s) gets renewed automatically?

    You will also be charged at the standard list price. If you do not wish to renew your Version 2.0 instances, please set them to “Nonrenewal” through the console.

5. Are there any limitations on bandwidth and instance(s) upgrade after Version 2.0 is taken offline?

    There are no limitations. Your Starter Package Version 2.0 instance will become a regular ECS instance, which can be configured to your preferred bandwidth settings and can be upgraded or downgraded based on your requirements.

Thank you for your understanding and your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us or your account manager.

Alibaba Cloud

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