[转]Provider Poll 2017(LET2017年度VPS商家排名投票结果)




Here are the results for the 2017 Provider Of The Year. Thank you to everyone who voted, and congratulations to the hosts who won. Prizes will come later this afternoon.

In 1st place… with 75 votes: @Francisco and BuyVM

Second place.. with 66 votes: Inception Hosting @AnthonySmith

Third place.. with 62 votes: @Virmach

Here are the rest of the votes:

BuyVM 75
Inception Hosting 66
Virmach 62
OVH 40
RamNode 32
Clouvider 24
Hetzner 24
HostHatch 21 Vultr 20
VMHaus 20
HostUS 19
DigitalOcean 19
NetCup 15
LiteServer 14
ImpactVPS/SubnetLabs 14
WisHosting 14
SpeedyKVM 13
GestionDBI 10
BunnyCDN 9
online.net 9
CrownCloud 8
UltraVPS.eu.de 8
SecureDragon 7
HostSolutions 7
Prometeus 6
Linode 6
Aruba 6
LeaseWeb 5
MXRoute 5
AlphaVPS 4
Gullo’s Hosting 4
Vpsrus 4
MyCustomHosting 4
BudgetNode 4
SSDNodes 4
mrVM 3
Cloudcone 3
Alpharacks 3
VPSDime 3
drServer 3
Dediserve 3
SpartanHost 3
Veesp 3

full list of votes here

The winner of the “Best Newcomer Of The Year” was:

1st Place: @VMHaus

2nd Place: @trewq and FlowVPS

3rd Place: @Cam and Gulllo’s Hosting

Congratulations you three 🙂


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