InMotion Hosting收购RamNode

LEB在3月4号发布了这个消息:InMotion Hosting Acquires RamNode,说到RamNode,稍早些玩VPS的读者可能都有印象,部落从2012年起也经常分享他的消息,不过距离现在最近的一次是2019年,主要是商家迁入OpenStack云平台后价格优势不明显,不过现在传出被收购还是有些惊讶,毕竟前些年他的运营还是算得上很不错的。


California-based hosting company InMotion Hosting announced today that they had acquired well-known LEB provider RamNode.

An official press release will come out next week, but in a post on LowEndTalk, Sunil from InMotion said:

  • RamNode was acquired in early February in an assets-only sale.
  • InMotion intends to continue running RamNode as-is with no major changes as far as “branding, consolidation or changes to the core product line”.
  • All RamNode staff have moved to InMotion, include Nick (@Nick_A), RamNode’s founder.

根据上面的信息来看,收购后的RamNode在品牌、产品和账户上应该不会有什么变化,我手里持有的2台旧SolusVM平台VPS照样使用,不清楚还有多少读者仍在使用RamNode的主机,不过如果还有在用的话也不用担心。收购方InMotion Hosting我也不了解,据查是一家成立于2001年的美国主机商。

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