前几天在 Sedo 卖了一个域名,看了一下是 2016 年买的,持有都快 10 年了,终于被我卖掉了。对比买入 + 持有成本,居然还是赚了不少钱。域名投资确实是一门好生意,可以长期投资。言归正传,买家要求开一份 Invoice 怎么办?不要慌,国外的 Invoice 其实就是一个收据,手写一个都行。但是手写有点太潦草了,精致一点就是网上找一个免费生成 Invoice 的网站,给他生成一个就可以。
Sedo 发来的信息如下:
The buyer has submitted payment to our account and requested an invoice including VAT (if applicable). Please create an invoice with the full amount XXX USD and upload it in the Transfer Documents section or send us the invoice by fax to +49 221.34030.109.
Kindly note that all sales prices negotiated through the Sedo marketplace are considered to be end prices for the buyer including the VAT valid for the Seller.
Please issue the invoice with the following details
If you pay for the Sedo commission, you will receive an invoice from us once the transfer has been completed.
网上找的免费 Invoice 生成网站:
- https://invoice-generator.com
- https://www.invoicesimple.com/invoice-generator
生成 Inovice 之后,在 Sedo 上传即可。